Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Im a Blessing to the Nations"

This has been the theme for our 5 days of "summer bible school" this year!!! Tomorrow's our final day....its de final celebration......excited at the same time..feeling kinda sad about how fast the days have passed!
I got to be a part of this years team by voluntering in teaching the children! And ive had the most amazing blessed time..taking me back to my childhood days when i used to attend the summer bible school evrytime i come home for vacations:)! Being with the kids...doing the praise and worship, talking about Jesus and the love of God, sharing the gospel together.....i know ive recieved much blessings...and i thank the Lord for letting me to live even today and experience his love all over again!!!

"For all who seek to follow the truth....Taste the Love of Jesus and you'll Know wot true love is all about!! Seek his light...Seek His love.....Let Jesus come and Live in your Life today!!"

God Is GREAT...God IS LOVEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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