Its 11.16pm,6th december......and soon after another half an hour itll be 7th december than 8th than 9th....than itll be 20th n ill be flying home and wen 21st comes ill be 'home sweet home':) for christmas time with my family and relatives. Its almost been a year since ive been home so you know the excitement im going through right now is like...."WOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW"..lol!! Our family we got this really different tradition that is when everyone celebrates their thanksgiving on november...'My family' does it on the 30th of december:))! This day all the relatives get together from morning 6am..We have a prayer fasting till 11am....our parents let us off early...i mean they pray for us then let us out...while they continue praying [PS: me and the other kids we dont follow this fasting rule...as soon as were out.....our fav spot..."The Dinning room":D]!! I'll tell you me and my cousins we totally love the get together but jus dont like the part of getting up so early in the morning especially on a december morning...when its so freaking cold...and all you want to do is keep having sweet dreams...warm under your blanket:))!!!
I dont know how you all feel but for me christmas time is all about sharing the joy and love with one another more than how much we have shared throughout the whole year<3.
Its such a beautiful time of the year......happiness just flows endlessly...my smile is stuck to my face..lol!! How wonderful Jesus was born in this time of the year.....just imagine him..'a lil baby lying on the manger'..the stars shining upon him..the wise mens kneeling before him with all the goodies;)!!
Ive already started wishing people a merry christmas....but when i do so...some of them they give me that weird look on their face.."why is she wishing so early" looks u kno..hehhe!! But i dont care for me the whole december is christmas time:))! I miss being at home at this time...i always miss the part of decorating the house and lighting of the christams tree.
And yeah i miss my Delhi days too....my praise and worship team in the church, the advnt christmas celebrations...church gatherings..youth fellowships:))..! Last year our church in Delhi we celebrated the advnt christmas at my uncle's place...it was so fun.....singing carols.... dramas...dances....gift exchange and my favourite part...Dinner:p..lol!! those were the days:((!
This year im stuck up in the college with exams......not studying at all but only counting bout the days left to go hme:P [even rite nw]!!
I think im already writing too much and its already 7th morning...0.16am..lol!! Gotta say goodnight to the day!!.....
M going to continue with the-coutning-the- days:0....i hope you all have a beautiful blessed christmas as well:)).....!! Ill catch up with my christmas-at-home story later:))!!!
God bless you......lov ya<3......
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