How are you today?
im doing pretty ok but not very good, and i know you already know why. Lately the days have been quite tough for me, and i really need you to stay close with me, more than you have,all the other days.
There are these moments when loneliness creeps in me, like the way i feel now, my heart touches the bottom and i feel more than hopeless. Everybody expects from me more than what i can give, how can i Lord??. And that's where i let them down and im blamed for all the things i never did.
There are times when i thought i have someone i could lean on,but its when i realize they're never there and im left all alone to ponder on my fractures. That's when 'Trust' seems to me to be a very far cry word!
Everyone thinks i have it all because,i smile and laugh even at my hardest point, but they dont know that im just trying to make myself feel better, bottle up inside is my saddest heart,but how long,it gets so hard! Im afraid to let someone see my saddest state,i have no one to talk to but only you. You know me and you knew me even before i was born,ever since i was in my mothers womb.
You brought me all along this way,and you made me see the bitter truth of life which many friends of my age havent yet stepped on it. And i thank you for it, beause today i have you as my best friend for without those days, my life today would have been so empty without you.
Lord, im sorry if i had missed out on you, maybe this is the price im paying for. But can you forgive me and stay with me,sit with me and talk to me. Because im lost Lord, and i feel like giving in, but i still hold on because of you. Because i know you still love me and you'll never forsake me, dear God.
I love you so much,all my life i owe to you,
Always and forever your child,
Hugs, me!
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