Somedays you would have come to the end of yourself emotionally,
try to make yourself feel better by making worldly materials your main priority.
all those temptations and sins giving you just a momentary happiness,
and when the sun sets you find yourself jaded again, back to your four walls.
This life is as dangerous as it is as blessed and as exciting as it may seem.
Things that make you so happy, things that you focus on so much,
can change and make you feel so alone, so lost and so confused!
You may have many friends but there are somedays when you feel you are all alone,
you have people who love you sincerely but you still feel unloved and uncared.
you have a hurt but no one wants to listen to you,
and thats where you come to the point of not wanting to go ahead anymore!
But remember there is always this one person whose watching over you,
that one person who can give you an everlasting happiness,
that one stranger whose always sitting beside you when you think your all alone,
that one friend who never forgets to pray for you everytime you shed a tear,
that one lover who gave his life to save your soul,
the only one, our only Jesus Christ!
Jesus always loves and cares for you even if you have rejected Him.
will never leave you and always be there to listen to you your whole life.
He loves you no matter what you have done,
What He offers isn't a feeling thats going to come and goes,
his love for you is eternal, an Agape Love!
And somedays you may choose to ignore the love Jesus offers,
but No matter who you are, and what you do, He will never give up on you!
All that hurt you feel or the pain you go through,Jesus has felt the same too.
Maybe not in the same way we have but He has felt hurt greater than ours.
Jesus was so scared when he knew of what was going to happen to him,
he was mocked and hurt, stripped and nailed up on that cross,
But he sacrificed, laying down his life, all just for us, for you and me.
Sometimes your prayers may not be answered,the way you prayed for,
but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for you anymore,
but, He gave it to you because thats what you needed even if you think you don't,
Jesus knows whats laid for you tomorrow and he wants to make it the best for you.
Then you will realize the through love of Christ for you.
For people who believe in him you may wonder sometimes,
how a believer could feel so alone and forsaken,
but being a child of God can intensify your desperation.
The skies of adverity may not clear immediately,but have Faith,
His grace will sustain you,for a christian,wholeness always comes after brokenness.
And for those who have not accepted him yet into you life,
Jesus is always waiting for you, calling out for your name,
only if you would give him a chance and taste the life of being his child.
The best things that come to us are by letting God have his way,
all the tests and trials are ways of God showing his undying love for you.
Im saved and im a believer but i still err like everyone else,
but everyday i try to make myself grow as a better child of God.
I ain't writing this to sound like or trying to be holy and pure christian,
I am not! But just because Jesus Loves me, i want you to feel that love too!
I hope that if anyone is going through anything hardships and struggles,
or lost and confused of not knowing what to do next,be helped by this.
And im sorry if i have offended anyone through my words,
i didn't mean anything to hurt you, but just wanted to share this few thoughts,
as your christian friend.
I pray and i hope this would help, even if its just one person,it will be worth it.
Thank you so much for reading this!
Have faith, hope, pray and live!
Your always Loved.
God Bless you :)