Sunday, July 26, 2009


"What will people think when they hear that i'm a Jesus freak? What will people do when they find that its true?what will people think,what will people do???? I don't care if they label me a Jesus freak, i don't really care, what else can i say, because there ain't no disguising the truth!"

Because i love Jesus and because i believe that no matter whatever happens... through happiness or sorrow or pain or difficulties, i Believe everything happens for the good, and that even though i maybe wading through the most darkest path of my life, God is just testing my faith and he's working for a better day for me and i tell the same to all those people i care for! And when i tell this to my friends, many of them had smiled at me, i dont kno what they think behind and many of them have even mocked at me and labelled me "Jesus freak"!!! I didn't care and i don't name can be cooler than being called a Jesus freak:D!!! That's my faith and im never ashamed of Loving My Jesus...for all the blessings he has blessed me with, even if it takes my whole lifetime ill never be enough from saying thank you Jesus!!!
Somedays back i just finished reading a book called "Jesus Freaks- a book filled with stories about those who martyrd their lives, standing up for Jesus. The ultimate Jesus Freaks!
I read it over and over again....every story touched my heart and i found strong and faitthful were all these children of God who sacrificed their lives for his name! Being a christian and being called a child of God i couldn't imagine myself in their position. I felt ashamed!But then i learned too that though, i or even you, may not be called to martyr our lives, we can still martyr our way of lives march to a different beat and let the world see Jesus :)!
Jesus was the non-conformist of all times. He walked the world as the human voice of God.So many people today potray Jesus as weak, the out-of-date artifact hanging on a church wall or in a stained glass window hoping for a brighter day! We live in a world thats now built with pride,greed, materialism and dedication to statusquo. In a world like this that is built in free will instead of God's will, we must be the Freaks!!!!

There are more christian martyrs today than there were in 100 Ad-in the days of the roman empire! According to the world Christian Encyclopadia, there were close to 156,000 christian martyrd around the world in 1998 and another 164,000 estimated to hav been martyrd in 1999! So can you imagine how many must have been martyrd today- 2009???!!!! There are so many still today who are being killed because they proclaim jesus as their King. Pray for them!!!
"Lets us stand together with our brothers and sisters around the world through prayers and faith, because no matter what happens, no matter what i face or how the end may look to be like, we know at the end we will be vitorious. We will inherit Eternity and heaven:)!!

"Remeber the Lord's people who are in the prison and suffering.Never forget them but imagine that you are with them- Hebrews 13:3"


Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Im a Blessing to the Nations"

This has been the theme for our 5 days of "summer bible school" this year!!! Tomorrow's our final day....its de final celebration......excited at the same time..feeling kinda sad about how fast the days have passed!
I got to be a part of this years team by voluntering in teaching the children! And ive had the most amazing blessed time..taking me back to my childhood days when i used to attend the summer bible school evrytime i come home for vacations:)! Being with the kids...doing the praise and worship, talking about Jesus and the love of God, sharing the gospel together.....i know ive recieved much blessings...and i thank the Lord for letting me to live even today and experience his love all over again!!!

"For all who seek to follow the truth....Taste the Love of Jesus and you'll Know wot true love is all about!! Seek his light...Seek His love.....Let Jesus come and Live in your Life today!!"

God Is GREAT...God IS LOVEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!